Our original inspiration in creating NOW was to do things differently -- for clients AND for advisors. The 3 pillars were (and remain) as follows:
This puts more money in YOUR pocket, and helps your investments grow faster over time. Even a modest 50 bps drop in fees can add tens of thousands of dollars to your retirement portfolio. Canadians continue to pay some of the highest investment fees anywhere in the world. We can help change this, one client at a time.
Many traditional dealers, banks and insurance companies compensate their advisors unfairly and subject them to toxic reward and recognition programs designed to drive sales not client outcomes. This adversely impacts their ability to do right by their clients, as they are subjected continually to embedded conflicts of interest.
Our model puts the compliance and regulatory burden where it belongs - on the professional who is actually managing your money. At NOW, this is your Portfolio Manager and NOT your financial advisor. Our portfolio management partners have a fiduciary duty to you, and are directly regulated and supervised by provincial securities commissions, ensuring they are above board in every respect.